Saturday, October 1, 2016

Made some stuffs!

Apparently this blog is still a thing...!

Anyways, here's a thing I made with a combination of Adobe Flash and Photoshop for coloring!

Also, here's a new icon that I made to replace the one I made a few moths ago!

As a recap, the icon that is being kicked away is FA's default icon.  Icons on this site need to be 100x100 and fit within a 55kb size limit.

Here's the actual size:

And as per usual on this blog, here's the one and only WIP for the icon:

Both this icon and the other piece were created within 24 hours.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

We did a thing!

My friend and I collaborated on a short animated film!

It's, uh...  It's not quite finished.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

New Animation Collab!

I have teamed up with my friend, Brie!

Here's our first WIP animation test!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Very Terrible Quick Animatic

Here is a somewhat updated animatic!




No, but seriously, the final movements will be MUCH different.  These were just practice sketches I did last week to get the general feel of the character.
(Still workin' on him!)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pixilation Things!

Here are some of the pixilation videos that I worked on!

Here's a test video I did.
(No Sound)

Here is a collaborative effort WITH sound!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lip Sync Animation Practice!

Here's the process! 

(This still needs a lot of cleanup as well as color etc.) 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Animation Cycles!

Aah, the wonders of the walk cycle!

The illusion of movement is a powerful tool...

...Perhaps TOO powerful.

In fact, sometimes it's almost TOO real.

...And sometimes it's unfinished.

Hoorey fer Anneymetun.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Motion Typography!

Here are my SPLENDIFFEROUS animations!

(AKA, the one I spent time on!)

(AKA, the one I quickly did in class.)

(AKA, "Oh wait!  We're supposed to be animating TEXT?!  ...I can fix this.")

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Class Animation Thingamajigs!

Here are some of my animation thingamajigs for this term's animation class!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Project W.F. Proposal


This spooky animated blockbuster will have you on the edge of your seat!

Animated Horror / Drama set in the 90's

Project W.F.
Preview Animatic

Preview Animatic V.2

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Project WF Animatic! ...Sort of.

WELL... I had some ISSUES.
Every time I tried to record for my voiceovers, my program would crash.
(And, of course, I was waiting to get done with the audio before I did more visuals.)

Despite this, here's my storyboard in single image form...!